Tantra Butterfly Sensual Massage Chicago
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Cuddling Ceremonies in Chicago, Illinois by Sensual Muse Diana of Tantra Butterfly

I have noticed a new craze going around all over the United States; but honestly this is nothing new to me because I have included the Sacred Spoon or Sacred Cuddle during all my Beginners Tantra sessions and I personally love to cuddle everyone who comes to see me (even if they did not request it).

The reason why cuddling is so essential is the fact that it enhances your Creativity and I work with so many Creative people which includes film directors, writers, educators, musicians and independent business owners who all have one thing in common, they love touch! Touch and cuddling stimulates your mind and helps increase your levels of oxytocin which prevents heart disease, ulcers and chronic illness. Cuddling helps clear the cobwebs from your mind and each time I meet a new guest I love to simply spoon and breathe quietly together during at least a quarter of the time we spend together during any of my Tantra Ceremonies to help instill trust and complete surrender.

I have spent three years traveling everywhere in the United States and I always seem to come back home here in Chicago to the Midwest because I grew up here all my life and miss many of my clients from 20 years ago. Now I am going to be heading to Chicago, Illinois to meet new people and hopefully to attend workshops in my field and maybe a few cuddle parties which are very popular now in California and all over the United States.

It is becoming the new 'hot trend' to become a licensed cuddler and so now I wish to provide this essential healing service to men and women who need to be held sacred and who are touch starved. Maybe you are getting over the illness of a loved one and you are their primary care taker so now you feel depleted yourself. Cuddling will fill your cup and help you feel connected to your body so that you are being given something back. I can help you if you suffer from Chronic fatigue syndrome or depression simply by spooning you for an hour or more and using my reiki hands to cleanse your chakras and help you release negative emotions that are holding you back from being abundant and positive about life. The long term effects of a good cuddle are numerous but here are just a few benefits you will receive from the Conscious cuddle:

  • Cuddling releases oxytocin a chemical that is produced in your brain that keeps you feeling satiated!
  • Cuddling boosts your immune system preventing you from acquiring colds or chronic illness.
  • Cuddling relieves pain and gives you a brighter outlook so you can tackle stress with gracefulness.
  • Cuddling helps deepen your relationships whether they are romantic interludes or pure platonic friendships.
  • Cuddling can lead to more bonding and intimacy between you and your partner.
  • Cuddling helps women bond in a group setting and trust their partner more.
  • Cuddling reduces social anxiety and makes you feel confident about yourself giving you a good dose of self esteem.

Now that you know of all the benefits of my Sacred Embrace I welcome you to spoon with me for a full hour of cuddling! I am a naturally cuddly person and I am very confident about my body so I welcome all body types because there is no need for you to feel self conscious or fearful especially around someone as natural and bohemian as me! I have been surrounded by people since my early twenties and I truly enjoy hugging everyone I meet so you will feel my genuine ease and hopefully this will help you to reach out to more people for a huge hug or cuddle when ever you need one. You might even decide to throw a cuddle party yourself after working with me for a few sessions.

During our time together we can engage in some quiet breathing exercises or you can open up to me about something that is pestering you and preventing you from going to the next step. I am highly intuitive and sometimes I am able to draw out something inside of you that needs to come out. I am also a Reiki Master and during our Sacred Cuddle you will feel a sense of true relief and hopefully you will be more aligned at the end of our shared cuddle.

My fees per each hour are $150 and during our cuddle you can also ask for additional Reiki if you are suffering from heartbreak or physical pain such as a backache, sprain or headache because Reiki is a very subtle, warm form of energetic healing that helps your body heal by itself on its own time frame.

During our Cuddle session in Chicago, Illinois we will both wear either pajamas or comfortable clothing such as yoga outfits. If you feel most comfortable in a fluffy costume or footie pajamas then bring those items with you because we will be cuddling and snuggling but we will be wearing clothing and we will not be molesting one another. During my cuddling session the main goal is to make you feel safe and held sacred and there are boundaries so this will not be a hot, steamy, sexual interlude; this is more about getting you to feel loved in a very warm, platonic healing way that is akin to complete unconditional love. I need for you to feel completely safe and I will not be inviting you to grope my body nor will I be groping your body in a sexually charged way. I have Tantra Massage Ceremonies that are listed on my site that are more geared towards mutual touch and Goddess Worship but my Sacred in Chicago are purely Sacred HUGS and spooning.

Let me Create more Sacred Touch in your life and get your body flowing with positive CHI! Contact me directly on my mobile phone for questions regarding my Cuddle Ceremonies in Chicago and California (312) 339-7707

Click Here to Contact Diana for Chicago Tantra Massage

Phone: 312.339.7707 (mobile)


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