Erotic Bodywork
Erotic Bodywork takes one on a journey into the deepest realms of self and soul, encouraging one to
access the imprints and holding patterns that limit the freedom of the body, mind and spirit, and
encourages your body to let go, to dance freer and soar higher
than ever before. Sexual Touch is Energy touch and Chi responds to the lightest of
feathery strokes just like Butterfly kisses brushing against your skin. Sexual energy is the fundamental
energy of the body and when one receives a sensual massage it can alter your body's consciousness and
extend moments of ecstasy opening your energy channels to receive more love from the Universe. By
clearing the Path of Ching Chi (sexual energy) you can restore the subtle flow of Chi within all your
subtle energy channels.
Your own sexual energy will heal you and circulate within your body like a magical elixir of self love.
Chinese Taoist Masters honor and know the feeling of complete oneness that is achieved during moments of
sexual ecstasy. During our time together I will help you stay centered as I set the stage for sensual
magic to occur. My hands will be soft and yielding as I make a silent prayer of intent to serve, heal
and raise your body's capacity to receive greater bliss. There are times when I may ask you to breathe
deeply with me or gaze into my eyes. At other times you will be the quiet recipient of my unconditional
love. There are times when my hands and fingers will just barely hover above your body...this is called
magnetic touch or reiki and you may feel shivers of
electrical currents as your chakras are encouraged to unfold. During our sacred time together we may
pause to reconnect ...caress each other's hands and face and acknowledge the divine presence in each
other. I promise to be present with you as I connect with you on both a spiritual and physical level.
Erotic Massage is a beloved lost art. It touches the very essence of your being and it is both soft and
powerful opening you up to the potential of enlightenment. If you can allow yourself to let go of your
Ego and release all expectations your body and journey will naturally lead you onto a state of Supreme
