Seduce me with Chocolate Ceremony: An invitation to meet your
Chocolate is indeed a food fit for all Gods and Goddesses! During this ceremony we
will gaze deeply into one another's eyes and spend moments lingering over hand made
chocolates we taste and share. Chocolate is my weakness and it is a natural and
hedonistic way for us to engage in a mutual connection and non rushed prelude to our
tantric ceremony.
Expect to indulge all your senses and relax, breathe, decompress and prepare
yourself for the energy work and sensual play that will lead you into a state of
trance--like bliss. I recommend this one hour of chocolate tasting for any one who
desires a deeper connection with me prior to our ceremony or for anyone who simply
wishes to indulge and extend our mutual enjoyment. If you typically need extra
time to "quiet" your mind and relax then here is the perfect mood uplifter and decadent
"chocolate foreplay" to entice you into deeper r elaxation before you are lead to our
space of peace. Afford yourself this unique opportunity to simply get to know
your Goddess before you feel her touch.

During our Chocolate tantric Ceremony We will enjoy stories, laughter
and take the time to focus on your goals whether they be a new transcendence into
a realm of greater pleasure or an extended day of placing yourself in the care of a
Sensual Goddess.
Goddess Diana